Thursday, September 04, 2008


So I just made shortbread. It's ridiculously simple and the only expensive part is the butter. Which is better for you anyway, but I understand if you're like, I'm not going to blow a pound of butter on one thing!

But it's so gooooooood.

Anyway, the recipe:

4 c flour
1 c sugar

Cream the butter and sugar together by hand. I recommend doing this literally by hand as it's much simpler. Especially if you forgot to soften your butter.

Mix in flour 1/2 c at a time. At a certain point, you won't be able to use your spoon/fork anymore and you'll want to go back to the hand mixing. If you're me, you might never have left. Anyway, when the dough leaves the sides of the bowl, you're good.

Press in a pan. Score the top lightly and prick the squares with a fork. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Turn off oven and leave sitting in for 10 more minutes. Cut while still warm and soft. That's it. Seriously.

If you feel like splurging on the butter, you can't go wrong with shortbread.

In other news, I have ordered Twilight from the library. I want to see what all the fuss is about. Although I suspect it'll be one of those things where I go, "WHY am I doing this to myself? Why am I still reading this?" And then keep reading.

In still other news, we have had some seriously gorgeous weather the past few days. Which is good because, make no mistake my friends, the rain, it is coming. I enjoy the rain for the first month. Although I left my umbrella at home, so we'll see how much I actually enjoy it this year.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a whole lot of butter 0_o But I do love shortbread, yum yum.

Twilight, haha. Maybe you'll have more patience with the book than I had. I remember I read a few chapters of the book when it first came out, skipped to the end, returned the book to the library, and never looked back. Suddenly, years later, it's become enormously popular and I find out that it has evolved into a series of books along with a movie in the works. And from reading reviews of the latest book in the series that came out last month, it sounds like everything goes downhill-- way, way downhill. It's actually kind of funny in a way, from a perspective of a passive observer to the whole phenomenon. I'm interested in hearing your take on the book.

Hope school's going well! I go back soon in a few days myself.

Valerie said...

What size pan, Maureen?

MaureenE said...

9 by 13, or rough equivalent thereof.

Valerie said...

Oh, good. 'Cause I just made it and that's what I put it in. (I'm NOT patient when it comes to food, it seems.)