Monday, March 02, 2009


We're beginning Lent today. I suppose in a sense we began it last night, with Forgiveness Vespers and the first reading of the Prayer of St. Ephraim. But this morning is the first Lenten morning.

I'm trying to figure out ways to observe the season of Lent without observing the Fast entirely. (That is, not completely abstaining from meat and dairy.) While ideally I would be doing both, this year it's just not practical to try to observe the Fast all the time. I will be trying to eat smaller portions and also trying to avoid meat.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask all of you to forgive me if I've offended or wounded you in the past year. Forgive me a sinner!


Mimi said...

I forgive, as God forgives.

Forgive me, my sister.

elizabeth said...

forgive me a sinner!

God forgives, I forgive.

...My priest commented that often students cannot do a full fast because of thier situation...

it can be really hard to keep up wtih things as a student when lent and papers and finals come at the same time....