Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Posts to read

This is a round up of posts that I have read in about the last month or so and think should be shared. (Krista, if you read this, I promise I did not steal this idea from you. We're just posting at the same time.)

Fr. Joseph Honeycutt who quoted Bishop Basil on why we should be at church when the service starts.

Anna from Pleasant View Schoolhouse on Homeschooling Heresies.

The Journey series on YLCF, which begins here.

Ruth's post on Freedom from Fear.

Krista's post, "Echoes." I'd read this one before, but it still gave me shivers up and down my spine.

Benedict Seraphim always has something interesting to share. His post on his chrismation is marvellous.

And last of all, something funny: the LOLAusten series at AustenBlog. It starts here and continues here, here, here, and here. (Some make much more sense if you read AustenBlog regularly.)


pilgrimchick said...

I read the "Homeschool Herasies" post, and I think it struck me the most of all of the ones you designated. I agree on her strategies, but I think that homeschooling parents need to realize that one boon trained schoolteachers have is reliable expertise on a certain subject. A science teacher specializes in what he or she teaches--you wouldn't want an English teacher teaching science, for example, it wouldn't make sense. Given this premise, how can someone who has a degree in Accounting, or perhaps no degree at all, presume to teach ALL of these subjects with expertise in none of them?

MaureenE said...

Slskenyon, you may be right in the high school years--I haven't decided on that yet--but in elementary school teachers are required to teach every subject except for art and music to twenty-five children they have never taught before and (usually) will not teach after that year. Given that situation, I think homeschooling is the better answer. Class sizes are smaller and you know your children and have, in the normal course of things, since they were born.

Even in high school, you can easily be faced with a teacher who really knows nothing about their subject and could care less. In homeschooling you might have a parent who doesn't know everything about a subject, but they know how to inspire their child to learn even when they are not an expert themselves.

I hope that makes some sense.